Introducing... CHEAP MOTEL
“Cheap Motel 24 Hours”
Discover Cheap Motel, a fresh skateboarding hardware company rooted in Lisbon, Portugal. Conceived by filmmaker Daniel Galli and Cybercafé® Skateshop Co-Owner and Designer Lui Appratto, Cheap Motel define themselves not only as a brand but also as a platform, a group of friends, with a mission to amplify skateboarding culture and propel Lisbon's skateboard scene forward. Currently stocked at Cybercafé® in-store only, Cheap Motel will soon be available online. For those outside Lisbon eager to grab some Cheap Motel gear, reach them out via Instagram DMs to secure your items.

Cheap Motel Promo Video
Experience Cheap Motel's daily routine through an incredible 11-minute promo video by Daniel Galli, you can watch the video here below or at Galli's YouTube channel, make sure to follow Galli's channel for more Cheap Motel action.
The film also named as "Cheap Motel" was mainly filmed around Portugal finest Lisbon and Porto spots, together with some Barcelona footage, and some clips around Brasil. You can find in the video a lot of friedly faces from Cybercafé® Team and friends, the full line up in order of appearance is
- Tallys Jr
- Everton França
- Thaynan Costa
- Felipe Munhoz
- Ricardo Pereira
- David Jakinda
- Andre Costa
- Madalena Galante
- Carlos Iqui
- Henrique Crobelatti
- Daniel Crespo
- Luis Ceita
- Tiago Sarreira
- Mika Germond
- Jorge Simoes
- Lucas Marques
- German Nieves
- Igor Morozini
- Gui Silva
- Hugo Blender
- Didrik Galasso
- Ricardo Lisboa